Your Body’s Struggle With Titanium

Your Grandpa’s Implant Material It seems more and more people are becoming aware of and concerned with the myriad chemicals, compounds, and materials that are going into their bodies.  It’s a legitimate concern indeed, as new substances seem to be finding their way...

Things To Consider About Dental Implants

Why Get Implants at All? There are a number of options out there for tooth restoration and replacement.  Is an implant really worth the expense and the surgical placement procedure?  Actually, you may be surprised at how much trouble can be averted by filling that...

The Aesthetics Of Ceramic Dental Implants

WHEN YOU LOOK GOOD – WE LOOK GOOD With the alarming number of Americans who suffer some form tooth loss every year, ceramic dental implants represent the most important and aesthetically pleasing option available today for tooth replacement. We find that the newest...

Front Tooth Replacement With A Zirconia Dental Implant

This is a case where the patient lost a front tooth a few years before. As time went by the patient realized that wearing a removable partial denture also called “flipper” was very uncomfortable and affected the ability to socialize with confidence. Dental implants...
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