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Zirconia Dental Implant News Blog & Articles

Zirconia Use In Modern Products And Technology

Zirconia Use In Modern Products And Technology

Zircomium is an element that can be found all around us.  In fact, it is the nineteenth most commonly found periodic element in the Earth’s crust.  While people have been aware of and handling zirconium for hundreds of years, it wasn’t until 1925 that large enough...

Researching Your Dental Implant Decision

Researching Your Dental Implant Decision

We live in an age when people have the luxury of being able to research virtually any potential purchase before make it.  In many ways, “buyer beware” has been replaced by “buyer be well read.”  If you want to, you can spend 5 hours gathering information to aid in...

Your Body’s Struggle With Titanium

Your Body’s Struggle With Titanium

Your Grandpa’s Implant Material It seems more and more people are becoming aware of and concerned with the myriad chemicals, compounds, and materials that are going into their bodies.  It’s a legitimate concern indeed, as new substances seem to be finding their way...

Miles Of Smiles Implant Dentistry

801 Wayne Ave # G200
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (301) 588-0768

Zirconia Dental Implants

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