On Friday and Saturday August 24 and 25, 2012 Dr. Noumbissi who is an adjunct professor of implant dentistry at Wichita Sate University will be teaching the first ever zirconia implantology certification course in Kansas at the university’s Advanced Education in General Dentistry department. A total of fourteen (14) C.E. credits will be awarded for both days. This course will feature the Z-Systems one-piece ceramic dental implants and will cover the areas of case selection, advanced clinical and radiographic diagnostics, site specific implant selection, guided surgery and one-piece zirconia implant temporization modalities.
Participants to this course will be introduced to the InVivo implant planning software from Anatomage during the 3D implant placement planning session. On Saturday August 25, a real-time live surgical procedures will be performed by Dr. Noumbissi on a live patient. Attendance for this course is limited to twenty dentists and will be held at Wichita State University’s/AEGD Simulation Laboratory and conference room.