Beyond Tooth Decay

Why Good Dental Hygiene Is Important With one in two Australian children reported to have tooth decay in their permanent teeth by age 12, researchers from the University of Sydney believe they have identified some nanoscale elements that govern the behavior of our...

Avoid A Bad Dental Implant Decision Based On Outdated Word Of Mouth

Decisions regarding to restorative and cosmetic dental procedures are not to be taken lightly.  There are long term implications with regard to health, functionality, finance and aesthetic.  This is probably most true when the choices relate to dental implants.  It’s...

Zirconia Use In Modern Products And Technology

Zircomium is an element that can be found all around us.  In fact, it is the nineteenth most commonly found periodic element in the Earth’s crust.  While people have been aware of and handling zirconium for hundreds of years, it wasn’t until 1925 that large enough...
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